Applying sunscreen is one thing, making sure that you have actually applied sufficient sunscreen is an entirely different matter.  Most people think that a quick squeeze of sunscreen rubbed onto the face and body will miraculously keep your skin safe and protected all day.

The truth is that in order to achieve the Sun Protection Factor (SPF – the filter that protects against the sun’s UVB radiation) reflected on the bottle of sunscreen you should use approximately 2mg of sunscreen per square centimetre to the exposed areas of the face and body.  This means applying the equivalent of a shot glass (ie two tablespoons) of sunscreen to the exposed areas of the face and body – with a dollop the size of a R2 coin being for the  face alone.

To help ensure that you put enough sunscreen on, Celltone has adopted the phrase ‘the Celltone 6’ which means 2 squeezes for the face & neck; 2 squeezes for the arms and 2 squeezes for the legs.

It is also important to remember that sunscreen needs to be reapplied every two hours, and more frequently after swimming, heavy perspiration or towelling off.


No matter how much  sunscreen you apply, the SPF or higher for adequate protection – and preferably SPF 30 or higher for extended time spent outdoors.

And remember: in addition to using sunscreen, look for shade, wear sun protective clothing, broad-brimmed hats and UV blocking sunglasses to protect your eyes.